Having too many items in your current home is not healthily especially if you end up having too little space. Sometimes, we tend to accommodate such clutter in our house by making way for storage space that we end up having even more clutter. At some point in our lives, we just need to de-clutter our lives and homes especially if you are planning to sell up and move into a smaller place or an apartment. Having that in your plans, there is no way that all of your items will fit to the smaller apartment or living space. While it can be hard to part with belongings, it feels great when you de-clutter and have a lot less to store in your home. Sometimes, people find it therapeutic, too.
Don't wait for a major move, renovation or downsize of your home to de-clutter your belongings. Do a regular spring cleaning to make it easier for you when the time comes for these life changes to happen. Even if you don't, you will have a more livable space that sometimes could lead to healthy relationships with yourself, with others and your surroundings.
Here are some simple tips for clearing the mess before downsizing, just simple clearing your clutter:
Start by sorting - sort through your belongings and create a rough list of what you find. Write them down under "must keep", "want to keep" and "don't need" categories.
Find some storage - if you have items that you may want at a later date, but can't take them to your new home yet, find a storage unit near Brisbane or managed storage to keep it safe for a while. You can also find some storage for some seasonal items if you think you don't have enough storage space in your new home. But at some point, you just need to create some space in your new home for these seasonal items, to make it cost effective in the long-run.
Have a garage sale - selling items that you don't need can help pay for some of your moving costs.
Give it away - if you can't take some stuff with you give it it friends or charity. At least then it will go to a good home!
Be ruthless - the best advice is to be very strict about what you keep and what you throw away. If you are unsure or you don't see yourself using it within the next 3 months (shorter periods, the better) then you probably don’t need it.
Start a habit of regularly doing some spring cleaning. This will ensure that you will have a shorter checklist to do when you are about to move.